Estimating the Duration of Migration 


Introduction and Methodology 

To accurately estimate the duration of the migration, we conducted intensive and multiple test migrations with sample documents. This hands-on approach allowed us to gather real data on transfer speeds and potential bottlenecks, providing a solid foundation for our estimates. This process was crucial for understanding the actual conditions under which the full migration will take place. 

Our trial migrations covered a wide range of document types, from simple text files to complex multimedia documents. This provided a representative sample of the entire dataset that was to be transferred. We conducted these tests at different times of the day and night to account for potential fluctuations in network load and system performance. 

Testing Process and Analysis 

Trial Migrations 

During these tests, we closely monitored not only the transfer time but also the integrity of the data being transferred. Every document that was moved was checked for completeness and accuracy, which allowed us to identify and resolve potential compatibility or format conversion issues early on. 

Analysis of Technical Limitations 

We also conducted a thorough analysis of technical constraints, such as ECM API limitations, network bandwidth at the client's office, firewall limitations and available server RAM. Taking these factors into account, we made sure that our estimates took into account the project's specific technical environment. 

A detailed Analysis of the Technical Aspects 

ECM API Analysis 

Analysis of ECM API limitations required a detailed review of the system's technical documentation and consultation with the software vendor. We identified the maximum number of simultaneous connections and data transfer limits that could affect the speed of migration. This information was key to optimizing the migration process and avoiding system overload. 

Throughput Test 

These tests have place at the client's office, and included tests at different times of the day to account for fluctuations in network load. We worked closely with the client's IT department to understand the network topology and identify potential bottlenecks. This collaboration allowed us to develop a migration strategy that minimized the impact on the client's day-to-day business operations. 

Analysis of Firewall Limitations 

Analysis of firewall limitations required a detailed review of the client's security policies. We worked with the security team to identify and, if necessary, temporarily adjust firewall rules, while ensuring that data security was not compromised during the migration process. 

Evaluation of Available RAM 

Assessing the server's available RAM was key to determining the optimal configuration for the migration process. We conducted load tests to determine how many concurrent migrations processes the server could handle without negatively impacting performance. This information allowed us to optimize the use of hardware resources. 

Parameterization and Modeling 

This comprehensive approach allowed us to accurately parameterise the speed of the application and estimate transfer times for the entire document set. The accuracy of these estimates was crucial for project planning and resource allocation. Our estimates took into account not only the data transfer time itself, but also the time needed for verification, possible retries in case of errors and time to resolve unexpected issues. 

We created a detailed simulation model that took into account all identified factors affecting migration time. This model allowed us not only to estimate the total migration time, but also to predict potential "what if" scenarios and develop contingency plans. 

Data Transfer Strategy 

The precise timing of the transfer led to a strategic decision on the mode of data transfer. We provided a weekend service window and implemented a document set freeze, rather than opting for a phased migration or continuous update changes. This strategy minimized disruption to customer operations and ensured data consistency throughout the migration process, demonstrating our commitment to efficient and low-impact solutions. 

Planning and Coordination 

Weekend Migration Planning 

The decision to carry out the migration over the weekend required careful planning and coordination with various client departments. We developed a detailed schedule that took into account not only the migration process itself, but also time for post-migration testing and verification, as well as a time buffer for troubleshooting potential problems. 

Freezing a Set of Documents 

Freezing the document set was a key part of our strategy. We developed procedures that ensured that no changes were made to the documents during the migration process, while minimizing the impact on day-to-day business operations. This included detailed communication with end users and temporary procedures for critical business processes that might require access to documents during the migration window. 

Emergency Plan and Verification 

Our migration strategy also included a contingency plan in case the migration took longer than expected or unexpected problems occurred. This plan included procedures for quickly restoring the system to its pre-migration state if necessary to ensure business continuity. 

Once the migration was complete, we conducted a comprehensive verification of the transferred data. This included not only checking the integrity and completeness of documents, but also functional testing to ensure that all systems and business processes were working properly with the new data. 

Summary and Conclusions 

In summary, our approach to estimating migration duration and planning the data transfer process combined in-depth technical analysis with practical testing and strategic business planning. This comprehensive methodology not only provided accurate time estimates, but also enabled the development and implementation of a migration strategy that minimized risk and disruption to the client's business. The experience and lessons learned from this project provide a valuable knowledge base for future data migration initiatives, highlighting our ability to successfully manage complex IT projects.

Łukasz Werno

Solution Architect / Project Manager
To wysoce zmotywowany specjalista IT z ponad 15-letnim doświadczeniem w dziedzinie systemów informacyjnych oraz ekonomii. Specjalizuje się w zastosowaniu rozwiązań i narzędzi IT w nowoczesnym biznesie. Jego ekspertyza obejmuje tworzenie aplikacji dostosowanych do potrzeb klientów z wykorzystaniem technologii takich jak Microsoft Access i Microsoft SharePoint, zwiększając efektywność różnorodnych procesów biznesowych.