SAP License Management
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- License Optimization
SAP software is a widely used technology around the world, utilized by various businesses, huge corporations, and even small companies. SAP has clients in over 180 countries. It's pretty pricey software because it comes with a range of costs, including fees for named user licenses.
The problem is that many customers do not know how to manage licenses, or do not know that license values can be optimized. The problems are, for example, proper attribution. The result of this situation is the high costs that customers have to pay after an SAP Audit.
SAP does not offer training courses where all aspects of license management are covered.
In this context, it should be noted that of all SAP customers, only 3% use a license management tool and a license optimization tool that are not SAP products.
What are the Additional Components of SAP License Optimization?
Below are potential additional components for license optimization.
Unused licenses - Employees (system users) rarely use SAP, do not use it at all, or use it differently than expected. They are assigned licenses that are inadequate.
Inactive/unnecessary users - Many customers use SAP HR, which typically has no integration with user management. The manual provisioning process often leads to errors, such as a user for an employee who is no longer working (and still has a license pinned). There is also the possibility that employees have not logged into the system for a long time or not at all.
Indirect use - Connection of external systems, lack of control over users of interfaces of external systems communicating with SAP systems. During SAP, audits may result in additional charges (back-maintenance).
Cloud – Platformy SAP takie jak SuccessFactors, Ariba, Concur – są wysoce nieprzejrzyste. Raporty mogą być tworzone ręcznie i eksportowane jako csv, bez możliwości uzyskania pełnego przeglądu lub przejrzystości wykorzystania.
LUI/LUPA [License Utilization Information & License Utilization Preparation Area ]. - Does not replace USMM & SLAW process - no optimization, only compliance. There is no license optimization with the SAP measurement tool.
Optimization of license types - Customers have purchased only a few types of licenses and are not using the full potential of other, cheaper license types (e.g., Worker, Logistic or Shopfloor users). Users are often assigned overpriced licenses.
Information on the use of roles - If users do not use the roles or use them only partially, they will receive overpriced licenses.
When the time comes to consider possible additional license fees, this information can be used in time for new negotiations.
An unused license package can be exchanged for needed licenses. Examining the issue of entitlement-based licensing (implementation by USU), it turns out that SAP users on average use only 25% of what they are entitled to. When transitioning from ECC to S/4HANA, this knowledge and proper "fat burning" is a prerequisite.
Early Warning System – w mechanizmach SAP brakuje ostrzeżeń o tym, że zbliżasz się od limitu przyznanych licencji. Istotą jest otrzymywanie odpowiedniej informacji z wyprzedzeniem po to, by wiedzieć o potencjalnych dodatkowych opłatach licencyjnych.
Duplicates - Lack of duplicate detection in the system. Despite the use of central user administration, duplicates often appear in SAP systems. Even if one user has multiple accounts, only one license should be purchased. This is the license with the highest value (privileges).
What Else is Worth Remembering?
License ID is not a mandatory field in the user's master data, but the catch is:
- Użytkownik bez przydzielonej licencji Nazwanego Użytkownika SAP będzie liczony z domyślnym typem licencji klienta: system produkcyjny: SAP Application Professional User / SAP Enterprise Management Professional User
- A penalty is imposed for a mistakenly assigned license. In this case, discounts negotiated with SAP will be forfeited.
- Złe zarządzanie licencjami, uprawnieniami, kontami użytkowników, stosowanie standardowych narzędzi do liczenia licencji SAP nie pomagają zredukować kosztów oraz naprawić problemów podczas audytów.
Czy jesteśmy w stanie poprawić tę sytuację?
At Lukardi, we provide niche solutions that address pressing customer issues. The answer to these license optimization issues is USU's license optimization software for SAP. This tool ensures that the company pays only for the minimum required licenses.
USU is a software that supports the counting of SAP licenses while reducing the costs spent on these licenses. Using the collected data from SAP, the matrix, and from the built set of rules, USU creates a summary that shows us the real picture of SAP license usage and a solution proposal aimed at optimizing license costs.
Get started today!
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- License Optimization
Tomasz Jurgielewicz
Head of Security Department at Lukardi. For the past 10 years, he has led a team of SAP Security specialists, providing comprehensive services and tools to secure SAP systems and optimize licenses. Experience in the areas of: - identification of authorization conflicts and authorization reorganization, - identification of SAP vulnerabilities, - integration of SIEM solutions with SAP, - optimization of SAP licenses.