What is the Cause of the Data Leak?

Reading time: 2 min.
Tomasz Jurgielewicz

What is the Cause of the Data Leak?

Until a few years ago, data security topics were discussed by narrow groups of specialists in the field of cybersecurity. Before the era of ubiquitous logins and passwords - the awareness of data security threats was not a concern of many people. Those times are gone forever.
Why is cybersecurity important and what is the root cause of data leakage?
We will answer these questions in the article below.

Login data leak

In the circulation of information available to the average person, more and more often comes the information that represents various aspects of data security. Mainly those are login data leakage messages from popular portals or information about the theft of money by cybercriminals. We live in an age where we can talk about IT security with virtually anyone. This is because security topics are widely covered in the mass media.

Examples of security breaches:

    1. A well-known journalist described his case, during which, becoming a victim of phishing, he lost a lot of money from his accounts,
    1. One of the banks turned off the default acceptance of transfers via SMS code, then a phishing attack was carried out, which was caught by many of the bank's customers,
    1. An entrepreneur discusses in a few minutes' video how he lost 40,000 zlotys (virus replacing bank account numbers),
  1. DHS report that discusses security vulnerabilities in SAP - we discussed the report on our blog.

There are many examples. My idea  is an attempt to answer the question - what is the main cause of data leakage. The answer seems to be - simple: IGNORANCE!

Types of attacks on security systems

Phishing attacks

It is mainly preying on someone's naivety and little knowledge about the dangers.

Attacks by replacing account numbers on the bank's website

it is letting a virus into your computer (the way it is absolutely negligible, the great value for criminals is that users are simply inattentive).

For example, when verifying bank account numbers in a control SMS.

Attacks via known vulnerabilities 

primarily due to the ignorance of system administrators who have failed to respond to a known vulnerability for several years.


Summing up: I treat this postwith a pinch of salt because the real causes of fraud lie both in the error layer of (more or less informed) users, but also in the technical layer of the systems.
It is also noteworthy that in the vast majority of cases of unauthorized access to data in systems, it is the so-called the protein interface is certainly crucial.


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