
At Lukardi, everyone has space to be themselves - we work together to achieve our goals. We take on challenges together and believe that our strength lies in the team.

Otwarte propozycje

Twój zakres obowiązków: prowadzenie pełnej księgowości spółki akcyjnej zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami podatkowymi i rachunkowymi...

After applying for the selected position:

You will receive a response from us within 2 - 7 days.

If your profile and qualifications are verified, we'll meet up to get to know each other better. 

If we both agree that we're a good fit - we'll invite you to collaborate. 

Why us?


We know that the real power lies in cooperation.


We value openness, diversity of perspectives, and expressing opinions with mutual respect.


That's the strength of our employees, which is why Lukardi gives us the opportunity to use them.

Impact on business solutions

We can improve them and implement new ones. We complement each other in this process.


Development is important for us, that's why we take part in training and get involved in various projects.

Remote and hybrid

The bosses trust us, and we take responsibility for the results of our work.

We cooperate with universities.

We run an internship program for students and high school students.


We take care of both physical and mental health. 


Medical Care LUX MED 

Life insurance

Relaxation techniques

heart 1

We value the comfort of work and private life


Remote and hybrid work

Convenient office locations with available parking spots.

smile 1

We care about development

The Lukardi Academy offers trainings in soft and hard skills for all employees.

Spanish Language Learning

Financial development - Employee Shareholding enables employees to purchase Lukardi S.A. shares at a preferential rate.

Development of technological innovations - R&D Department


Creating Innovations

At Lukardi, we have established an R&D Team whose mission is to create and organize value around innovative technological ideas and to create new elements of the company's portfolio, with a particular focus on new services and proprietary products. An indispensable element of innovative projects is the application of the latest technologies, including the use of artificial intelligence mechanisms and machine learning. 

Lukardi Academy

We created the Lukardi Academy with the aim of developing the competence and continuous improvement of our employees. Two editions of the Academy are held every year. The scope of training is each time adapted to previously reported needs in the field of soft skills and technical and specialized skills. Trainings are carried out by practitioners, experts and trainers with many years of experience.

Employees' opinions

Our offices - locations

Poznan Office

ul. Tęczowa 3,
60-275 Poznań

Wrocław Office

ul. Antoniego Słonimskiego 1 50-304 Wrocław
Promenady Business Park – budynek ZITA

Katowice Office

ul. Żelazna 17D
40-851 Katowice
Revita Park – budynek D

Cyclical events

+ 48 601 781 729

+ 48 601 781 729

Izabela Kolodziej

Let's talk about your career at Lukardi

Hi, my name is Iza Kolodziej. I'm an HR Manager, and I'm happy to answer all your questions related to recruitment and onboarding at Lukardi. Contact me through the form or directly:

+ 48 601 781 729

Lukardi in Social Media

Visit our social media profiles to learn more about our projects and work culture. Join our community and see how we are creating the future of technology together!