Enterprise Content Management

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Enterprise Content Management

By implementing ECM in your company, you minimize the risk of business downtime, reduce the time and costs associated with the processing of documents such as cost invoices, HR requests, contracts and orders. A high level of data security when using this type of solution is also extremely important.
The document workflow system also allows free access to files and information wherever you work, so remote work is no longer a challenge. The use of electronic document workflow significantly increases the efficiency of the enterprise.

These companies trusted us

Digital transformation

Digital transformation enables the dissemination and effective use of digital solutions, which in turn leads to changes in the business models of companies. It also enables companies to implement innovative products or services, including modern forms of customer service. An important element of the planned digital transformation is cooperation with IT consulting, thanks to which the transition to a new operating model will take place smoothly and reduce the risk of failure...
Many companies have SAP security systems
- but let's be honest - not many of them know how to use them properly and use all the possibilities.

It's like there's a new Jaguar in your garage bought for big money, and you wouldn't have a driving license
to drive it. You can just look and admire,
however, such a car unused - it is going to deteriorate ...
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Digitalization of Documents

How to improve your work and increase efficiency?

Electronic documents will never be lost or destroyed. Such a document is always available on a computer in the office, on a tablet or smartphone on the go, or on any other device in accordance with the best practices or the wishes of the customer in the field of security. The Document Management System will make the daily affairs of your business less time-consuming.

It will reduce the number of printed sheets, the operation of printers and the time that employees can effectively use for tasks other than printing documents or searching for them in binders. The number of advantages in the context of the use of electronic document circulation in the company is significant.

Document digitalization

What is document digitalization?

Document digitalization - means changing the paper form of a document into an e-document, and it is the first step towards digital transformation. As the market leader in Central Europe and the global leader in OCR and DMS OpenText, we have a unique set of skills and experience in implementing and customizing content recognition software for scanned documents.

Digital Archive

Data security and 24h/day availability

We're turning hundreds of endless shelves of binders into a digital archive. We provide access-consistent with the power matrix 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your data is secure because it is stored in at least several copies and in different geographical locations.

To create a digital archive, we can use both Microsoft Share-point and Lukardi has enormous potential for digitizing documents based on these two tools...
Years of practical experience allow us to solve problems quickly and eliminate threats. Being aware of the importance of migration and respecting the decisions of our clients-we help both with the implementation and updating of the existing environment.

We also understand how important it is for our clients to support the maintenance of the already existing - and often well-rooted in the organizational culture - environment and systems for electronic document circulation, as well as managing these documents and processes.
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Data Security

How to take care of privacy nowadays?

Privacy is a very popular and often used word nowadays.

The right to be anonymous, new legal regulations and administrative obligations are only a few aspects related to the necessity to introduce or modernize existing document management systems in the company.

Anonymization of data is an irreversible process.

It consists of the complete removal of links between personal data and a specific person. Anonymization is intended to prevent the identification of a person by both the data controller and third parties.

Data pseudonymization is a reversible process.

It consists of the processing of personal data in such a way that it is impossible to identify a specific person without having additional information being the key. We make it easier for our clients to implement these processes. These solutions can be used on personal data contained in the content or indexes of collected and archived documents by implementing software and thanks to the possibility of digitization of documents.

Additionally, the software supports the very process of data deletion decisions based on an individual analysis of the merits of the application for individual documents.

Data anonymization is an irreversible process.

It consists in the complete removal of the link between personal data and a specific individual. The purpose of anonymization is to prevent the identification of a person by both the data controller and third parties.

Data pseudonymization is a reversible process.

It consists in the processing of personal data in such a way that it is impossible to identify a specific person without having additional key information. We make it easier for our customers to implement these processes. These solutions can be used on personal data contained in the content or indexes of collected and archived documents through the implementation of software and thanks to the possibility of digitization of documents.

Additionally, the software supports the very process of deciding on data deletion based on an individual analysis of the merits of the application for individual documents.

Document Circulation System

Efficient and secure electronic circulation of documents in the company allows you to save a lot of time and money. Especially for large companies, this is often a challenge, that determines the success or failure of the company.

Thanks to the advanced OCR technology, the workflow of corporate invoices completely changes its face – document processing is fast, and also much less expensive.
Artificial Intelligence classifies documents and also extracts relevant data into online forms.

The resulting documents prevent delays, are rarely lost, and significantly speed up communication between departments.
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Process Automation

We can see many additional benefits of digital transformation, by making documents more user-friendly, rolling out the Document Management System and having a digital archive that gives us unlimited access to the most important data from anywhere.

Automation of business processes such as sending requests to relevant departments or persons, automatic prioritization and following the prepared path of the case process, an automated delegation of authority, as well as integrated operation in the context of other IT systems, for example, a replacement system combined with a vacation calendar. This is just the beginning of the possibilities of programming paths for the circulation of repetitive document types.
We offer our customers solutions tailored to their needs. We also support clients in the use of already implemented tools to which employees are used.
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Digitalization in SAP

How to increase efficiency and minimize risk thanks to OpenText implementations in SAP business processes?

More and more organizations are aware that it is worth investing in solutions that lead to the standardization of activities in the company. Optimizing the business processes in companies and increasing productivity and minimizing risk is a return on investment.

We help our customers create a better way to work and connect the world of digital content and business applications using complete corporate solutions using ECM for SAP solutions and VIM.
ECM for SAP Solutions

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solution (xECM)

Most business processes related to research and development, sourcing, production, sales, marketing, or services must involve a large amount of business content, including:

  • Correspondence
  • Different types of documentation
  • Contracts
  • Production or service records, etc.

Such content must be captured, managed, stored and delivered to the appropriate user at the appropriate time and place.

Now is the best time to start the digital transformation in SAP, because software kit OpenText™ Extended ECM for SAP® solution provides a new responsive user interface. This version allows you to connect many leading applications to the Fiori ® system. The API package of xECM and built-in analytics capabilities equip customers with an integrated information management framework built around SAP® business applications that seamlessly connect to other applications such as:

  • SAP Successfactors®,
  • Salesforce®,
  • Microsoft SharePoint®,
  • Microsoft Office 365®.

During implementation, we help clients to provide tools that uniquely integrate with SAP Business suite on HANA (SAP ERP, CRM, SCM, SRM, PLM) and S/4HANA to bring them the most benefits.

Among the advantages of xECM is that it supports archiving of data and documents, imaging, document management, collaboration, management of certified records and virtual views of related information with applications for SAP® systems.

Vendor Invoice Managment for SAP Solution (VIM)

The time has come for a new digital approach and electronic document workflow. Manual rewriting of invoices will be converted into efficient, electronic invoice management.

We launch digital processing of processes that allows suppliers to dynamically develop and earn money. The system collects important statistics to help you continuously optimize your process by identifying bottlenecks and simplifying operations. By processing invoices quickly, accurately and efficiently, organizations increase employee productivity, revenue flows, and supplier relationships.

What are the benefits of VIM by OpenText?

  • Optimizes and simplifies the processes of: receiving, sending and monitoring invoices and related documents
  • Stakeholders gain access to invoice information such as the order number quickly and efficiently
  • Invoices are automatically routed to the correct person for annotation, approval and payment
  • Managers can review and approve invoices using the modern SAP Fiori user interface
  • Managing vendor invoices in SAP Solution processes the order confirmation and delivery notes

OpenText™Information Extraction Service for SAP® Solutions (IES)

An optional add-on that supports the capture of paper invoices. It is one of the most important tools in the digital transformation of the enterprise.

IES transforms paper invoices into digital information for use in VIM. Based on 30 years of experience, an advanced knowledge base and machine learning algorithms, the Information Extraction Service uses the most advanced document and character recognition capabilities available to extract header and line item details with high precision. In situations where the fields are not found, a simple solution pinpoints and solves the problem.

ECM for SAP Solutions

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solution (xECM)

Most business processes related to R&D, sourcing, manufacturing, sales, marketing, or services must involve a large amount of business content, including:

  • correspondence
  • various types of documentation,
  • production or service records, etc.

Such content must be captured, managed, stored and delivered to the appropriate user in the right case and place.

Now is the best time to start the digital transformation in SAP as with the release of the new OpenText ™ Extended ECM for SAP® Solution suite 16, it provides a new responsive user interface. This version allows many leading applications to be connected to the FIORI® system. The xECM API interface and built-in analytical functions provide customers with an integrated information management framework, built on the basis of SAP® business applications that easily connect with other applications, such as:

  • SAP Successfactors®,
  • Salesforce®,
  • Microsoft SharePoint®,
  • Microsoft Office 365®.

During the implementation, we help clients to ensure that the delivered tools that uniquely integrate with SAP Business Suite on HANA (SAP ERP, CRM, SCM, SRM, PLM) and S / 4HANA bring them the most benefits.

Among the advantages of xECM are also the fact that it supports archiving of data and documents, imaging, document management, collaboration, management of certified records and virtual views of related information with applications for SAP® systems.


Vendor Invoice Managment for SAP Solution (VIM)

Nadszedł czas na nowe, cyfrowe podejście i elektroniczny obieg dokumentów. Ręczne przepisywanie faktur zostanie zamienione na sprawne, elektroniczne zarządzanie fakturami.

Uruchamiamy cyfrowe przetwarzanie procesów pozwalające dostawcom dynamicznie się rozwijać i zarabiać. System zbiera ważne statystyki, które pomagają w ciągłej optymalizacji procesu, identyfikując wąskie gardła i upraszczając operacje. Dzięki szybkiemu, dokładnemu i wydajnemu przetwarzaniu faktur organizacje zwiększają wydajność pracowników, przepływy dochodów i relacje z dostawcami.

Jakie korzyści daje VIM by OpenText?

  • optymalizuje i upraszcza procesy: otrzymywania, kierowania i monitorowania faktur oraz związane z nimi dokumenty,
  • zainteresowane strony szybko i skutecznie uzyskują dostęp do informacji o fakturze takich jak numer zamówienia,
  • faktury są automatycznie kierowane do właściwej osoby, w celu opisania, zatwierdzenia i zapłaty,
  • menedżerowie mogą przeglądać i zatwierdzać faktury za pomocą nowoczesnego interfejsu użytkownika SAP Fiori,
  • zarządzanie fakturami dostawców w SAP Solution przetwarza potwierdzenie zamówień i dowody dostawy.

OpenText™Information Extraction Service for SAP® Solutions (IEC)

An optional add-on that supports capturing paper invoices. It is one of the most important tools in the digital transformation of the company.

The IES converts paper invoices into digital information for use in VIM. Based on 30 years of experience, advanced knowledge base and machine learning algorithms, Information Extraction Service uses the most advanced document and character recognition capabilities available to extract header and line item details with high precision. In situations where the fields are not found, a simple solution pinpoints the problem and solves it.

Software Development

To what extent can we provide support your business?

We also provide IT consulting for our clients. We help in software development, technology selection, implementation and performance. We have experience in developing horizontally scaled distributed systems. We implement technology platforms with subsequent support.

We select the hardware layer (infrastructure) required by the systems. We integrate domain systems with each other and with public services.

Sometimes the specific problems of our customers go far beyond the framework of ready-made and commercially available software.

We fill such technological gaps with a combination of ready-made tools and programming libraries, and by creating our own, original elements.


How do we work?

We use the latest virtualization technology for cost reduction and easy vertical and horizontal scaling. We take care of the appropriate level of SLA and use only proven technology providers. Our administrators undergo periodic training and have the required certificates.


What do we do for our customers?

We build systems from the ground up according to customer specifications and maintain them, constantly developing functionality in accordance with the DevOps methodology. Our developers are in constant contact with administrators and system architects.


What technologies do we use for programming?

We will take your business to the next digital level

Is it time to introduce electronic document circulation in your company? My name is Iza, and I and my team will help you organize and launch the digital revolution. We'll take your business into the 21st century!
Contact us
Project Manager
Izabela Piątkowska
+48 535 005 030
+ 48 508 400 203
Address Information
ul. Tęczowa 3 , 60-275 Poznań
NIP: 5213683072
REGON: 360098885
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