Lukardi > News
Celem webinaru jest zebranie wszystkich niezbędnych informacji przydatnych przy podejmowaniu decyzji na temat wielkości kosztów licencji w modelu Rise with SAP. Zwracam w nim uwagę, że: obecne nieoptymalne role w ECC będą miały wymierny wpływ na wartości licencji w Rise with SAP.
The Group is investing in the development of areas that have been identified as promising due to new customer needs and the market strategies of large IT vendors such as SAP, Microsoft and OpenText. In this regard, R&D projects continue with a particular focus on
focus on leveraging the unique competencies of the team in combination with modern technologies.
The Group is investing in the development of areas that have been identified as promising due to new customer needs and the market strategies of large IT vendors such as SAP, Microsoft and OpenText. In this regard, R&D projects continue with a particular focus on
focus on leveraging the unique competencies of the team in combination with modern technologies.
how to prepare for a transformation project and what strategy to adopt. Piotr Pudelski of Syntavio talked about how to prepare for innovation in SAP S/4HANA and how to use the migration to optimize the supply chain. Our expert Pawel Przybylski showed how to slim down SAP before migration - in other words, a few words about data and document archiving strategy.
The Management Board of Lukardi S.A., based in Poznań, informs that on July 26, 2023, its subsidiary SI-eCommerce Sp. z o.o. signed an agreement with one of the leading entities in the business services outsourcing market in Poland.