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25 September, 2024

12:00 - 12:40

How authorizations in ECC affect license costs in S/4 Rise with SAP [PL]

Webinar intended for:

  • SAP ECC customers who know they are facing a migration to S/4 environments based on the Rise with SAP model.

The purpose of the webinar is to gather all the necessary information useful for deciding on the size of license costs in the Rise with SAP model. In it, I point out that: current suboptimal roles in ECC will have a measurable impact on license values in Rise with SAP.

The meeting is divided into two parts:

First part - theoretical, in which I discuss what the differences are between ECC and S/4 environments in the Rise with SAP model. I point out the possible pitfalls of these differences, and show an example of such differences that can affect pricing

Part two - practical, demonstrates the methodology of work related to license simulation and role optimization, still on the ECC environment to be able to save to the limit on FUE license costs.

Speaker - Tomasz Jurgielewicz

If you want to access the webinar in Polish, please contact us: contact@lukardi.com

Webinar partner


Discussion of licensing differences ECC vs S/4

How license mapping from ECC to S/4 works using SAP STAR service

Suboptimal roles in ECC and their impact on licensing in S/4

Tool support for significant SAP license savings - USU and Pathlock

About the speaker

Tomasz Jurgielewicz

Head of Security Development

For 10 years, he has led a team of SAP Security specialists, providing comprehensive services and tools for securing SAP systems and optimizing licenses. Experience in the area:

  • Identification of authorization conflicts and reorganization of authorization,
  • SAP vulnerability identification,
  • Integration of SIEM solutions with SAP,
  • SAP license optimization.

Unparalleled SAP licensing expertise

Our SAP experts know what has worked for other companies in audit negotiations and will share best practices with you during a live webinar.