
Webinar: Jak autoryzacje w ECC wpływają na koszty licencji w S/4 Rise with SAP  



Yesterday, in the heart of Warsaw, the conference "Migration to SAP S/4 HANA. How to prepare and optimize costs." We invited Syntavio and Smart People to organize the event this year. The purpose of the meeting was expert presentations and networking.

Piotr Pudelski of Syntavio spoke about how to prepare for innovations in SAP S/4HANA and how to use migration to optimize the supply chain. He presented, among other things:

  • Basic methods for transitioning to SAP S/4HANA,
  • The opportunities presented by the transition to SAP S/4HANA in the context of SAP products for supply chain optimization,
  • The key advantages of selected SAP products for supply chain optimization.

Our expert Pawel Przybylski showed how to slim down SAP before the migration - a few words about data and document archiving strategies. He answered questions:

  • Why you should take care of data archiving,
  • What data should be archived and when,
  • What archiving scenarios are available.

After a Q&A session and a break for lunch and brief networking, the second part of the conference was opened by a duo from the company Smart People: Katarzyna Kwiatkowska and Piotr Ławrynowicz. The purpose of their presentation was to support clients in preparing teams for a transformation project with particular attention to important elements of the process such as maintaining full control over the project, controlling costs, and completing the work on time.

Finally, a substantive bomb in a nutshell was presented by Tomasz Jurgielewicz - Lukardi, who talked about how SAP authorizations affect S/4HANA licenses. He answered the most important questions posed by business representatives:

  • How do you make sure you have the right number of S/4HANA user licenses?
  • Is the SAP STAR service able to provide you with the optimal set of target licenses?
  • Are your users using all the permissions you have given them? Or only a portion of them?

What privileges your users have can have a decisive impact on the number of licenses, since the SAP STAR service only analyzes privileges.

At the end, we invited our participants for joint networking and a tour of the Warsaw Breweries. It was an excellent time to establish new business relationships and nurture existing contacts with our clients and partners.