Lukardi > Case study > Construction industry > SAP VIM implementation
SAP Invoice Management by OpenText
SAP Solutions | Invoices & Finance

Customer Profile
A leading cement manufacturer in Poland, part of an international group, one of the largest construction concerns in the world. The company specializes in the production of high-quality cements used in a wide variety of construction projects, from infrastructure to housing. The company focuses on innovation, sustainable development and minimizing environmental impact, while ensuring the highest standards of customer service.
The client was looking for a solution for the electronic circulation of cost invoices - natively integrated with the SAP ERP system. Of particular importance to the client was the automation of processes so that as many cost invoices (FI) and warehouse invoices (MM) as possible would post automatically - without user intervention, based on the 3-Way Matching procedure. Another important aspect was the implementation of a secure repository for long-term document storage, compliant with SOX requirements.
Purpose of implementation
Organizing and optimizing the Company's business processes by: Implementation of automatic data recognition of financial documents with their electronic circulation, archiving and proven invoice handling standards;
Extend the current acceptance workflow logic for orders in the Organization so as to cover all - required business areas with the solution;
Maximize the cases of complete compliance of the invoice with the order and PZ/GR document, and thus increase the number of cases of automatic posting of the invoice in the reference to the order;
Create a single, secure storage place for financial documents of the invoice type (electronic archive) and build a model of access to them for all the organizational units involved in the circulation, based on appropriate authorization profiles;
Elimination of paper circulation of financial documents that are the basis for making payments;
Eliminate the risk of double payments;
Reduce invoice handling costs and increase invoice processing capabilities.
"We are very impressed with the
Transparency of the implementation process and efficiency at every stage. We especially appreciate the high quality of support and training provided, which allowed us to make a smooth and seamless transition to the new system. This is cooperation at the highest level!"
IT Manager / CIO
Key information about the project
Scope of work
Implementation of Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) - VIM supports vendor invoice management, enabling automation of processes related to the circulation and approval of accounting documents. A key component of the implementation is integration with OCR technology, which allows for automatic recognition and processing of information from supplier invoices.
Implementation of a digital archive - the implementation also includes digitization and archiving of accounting documents. Archiving will improve access to documentation and speed up the process of audits and financial analysis.
Expanding the approval strategy for procurement - expanding the existing procurement approval system to include new criteria and approval paths. The goal is to increase control over the procurement process and introduce more detailed approval scenarios.
Project stages
Gathering requirements business and analysis
Configuring the environment system and implementation of extensions
System tests then training for end users and administrators
Startup production system
Project implementation
Stage I - Gathering business requirements and analysis
At this stage, we conducted a thorough analysis of the business requirements and developed a business concept document, taking into account the client's detailed processes and needs to customize the system.
Stage II - Configuration of the system environment and implementation of identified extensions
The implementation included configuration of the workflow solution environment for invoices - including the Repository, OCR, a solution for automatic insertion of barcodes (barcodes) in the invoice image, and implementation of identified extensions that made the system more customized to the customer's requirements.
Stage III - System testing followed by Training for end users and administrators
We conducted comprehensive unit tests (Unit Test) and integration tests (SIT). We provided active user support during acceptance testing (UAT) to ensure that all processes work properly and meet quality and functional expectations.
We also organized and conducted training sessions so that end users and administrators could learn the system's functions and operate it themselves.
Stage IV - Production take-off of the system
In the end, the system was launched in a production environment, allowing the client to take full advantage of its features.
Key milestones of the project included the development and acceptance of the business concept by the client, the completion of testing, and the launch of the system in a production environment.

Effects of the project
By carrying out the project, we achieved our goals, which met the client's expectations.
Increase productivity and quality of work through an automated and streamlined process, including mobile approvals
Strengthened control in the Organization through transparent process history
Cost allocability in the context of working capital management
Speed up the process by automatically recognizing invoice data, automating processes and controls
Steady increase in the number of PO invoices posted automatically - without human intervention
Increased security, such as the inability of unauthorized individuals to access data
Reduction of manual errors thanks to optical text recognition (OCR)
Part of Accounting duties delegated to other departments
For authorized persons - quick access to information related to the procedural stage of the invoice
Clean desks in Accounting - no paper on desks
All the necessary information in one place
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